Tag Archives: facebook

Share: Gizmodo: Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News

Something something fourth estate gatekeepers of trust, something something absolute power corrupts absolutely, something something “Let’s all quit using Facebook” again. According to interviews published by Gizmodo’s Michael Nunez: Facebook workers routinely suppressed news stories of interest to conservative readers from the social network’s influential “trending” news section, according to a former journalist who worked… Read More »

Share: Mobile Social Holds 85% Of Current Ad Dollar

The internet’s rapid removal of journalism content creators’ role as gatekeepers highlighted again here. From the article:  Online publishers have faced numerous financial challenges in recent years, including automated advertising and ad-blocking tools. But now, there is a realization that something more profound has happened: The transition from an Internet of websites to an Internet… Read More »

Share: Facebook AI Reading, Watching More Than Ever

More news on the artificial intelligence “AI backbone” helping engineers at Facebook. From the Tech Insider summary: Filtering the News Feed: There are potentially thousands of stories that could be shown to you in the News Feed at a given moment, and the company uses AI to learn from what you like and show you… Read More »

Share: Facebook Instant Articles

Facebook Instant Articles, a feature presenting the full content of news stories for mobile users, launched officially on May 12, 2015. Launch partners included Woven Digital, BuzzFeed, the New York Times, National Geographic, The Atlantic’, NBC News, The Guardian, BBC News, Bild, and Spiegel Online. In late March 2016, Facebook announced that native ads and… Read More »

Share: AdWeek Infographic: Who’s Really Using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram in 2015

Here’s a breakdown of how eMarketer predicts market share will change for different U.S. demographics for the top social nets over 2015 and 2016. [Update: The number of total social network users in 2015 below should be 179.7 million including users under the age of 18. All other total figures include this demographic.] Source: http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/new-social-stratosphere-who-using-facebook-twitter-pinterest-tumblr-and-instagram-2015-and-beyond-1622